Sunday, September 26, 2010


I'm sitting on my fabulous back patio.  The baby is napping.  The two big boys are playing outside with neighbor friends.  Mark and Morgan are on a mini-date, looking for the perfect monologue for her upcoming audition.

Oh, and I'm wearing my favorite sweatshirt and SOCKS!!!!

Hello, socks and sweatshirts.  I've missed you so much.

And there's a fire in the chiminea.  Bless the Lord, oh my soul...

Fall is my favorite time of year.  I love the cooler temps.  I love sweatshirts.  I really love sweatshirts.

I love coffee anytime of the year, but in the fall it really does have more of an OOMPH to it.

I also get pretty nostalgic.

There are a lot of memories attached to this season.

I found out I was pregnant with three of my four children during the fall.

Mark and I were married in the fall.

My church was "born" in the fall.

My father was seriously ill in the fall.

My marriage hit rock bottom in the fall.

Depression settled itself on me in the fall.

It's been almost four years since the day that elephant climbed on my chest.  Four years since it felt like my world was crumbling around me - or rather, four years since I felt myself crumbling in the middle of my world.

Elephants will do that to a person.

They're big, heavy, cumbersome.

This particular elephant climbed into my van as I was waiting at a stop light... and sat on my chest.

I couldn't breathe.  My knuckles went white in their death grip on the steering wheel as fear set in and despair took over.







Elephants have many names.  Mine was Depression.

Are you aware of the elephants in your midst?  These lumbering creatures find the chaos of our lives the perfect nesting ground.  The noise they make gets lost in the great din we are so accustomed to.  We ignore any danger signs because we're too busy to do anything about it anyway.

I was completely unaware of that elephant's presence.  Oh, I knew life was hard.  I knew I felt overwhelmed and exhausted.  But I was completely unaware of the danger this animal presented to my life - the havoc he would play upon my soul.

And play he did.

But God was bigger than that elephant.  He took him down.

We took him down together.

And now, four years later, I am whole.  I am grateful.

I am NOT perfect.  But I am hopeful.

This fall is going to be about celebrating the journey.


  1. I am still amazed that it was during this difficult time in your life that you still reached out--to ME. I am so thankful for your friendship and your wisdom. You are blessing!

  2. So excited to follow you on this journey....
    You write beautifully and I am looking forward to peeking a little into the world of someone a few steps ahead of me. And learning. Thanks.

  3. Thank you for posting, kaysie. I believe I have elephant of my own on my chest... Reading this brings much needed encouragment. God is bigger. Thank you.- Anna

  4. I'm reading! And looking forward to celebrating the victory. I know your writing is going to touch people's hearts - I feel it touching mine already.
