Monday, February 28, 2011


I love making memories with my children.  I'm very intentional about it.  I spend a lot of time and energy planning and preparing for moments that I hope they will remember and cherish.  When they are grown, I would love to know that they are who they are and value what they value IN PART because of the moments we had together as a family.

I know that's true for me.

I am who I am IN PART because of the moments I shared with my family growing up.

My brother and I recently had a conversation with our mom regarding our childhood memories.  She wanted to know if we had any "good" memories of times when we were together as a family.


Here's the deal... I have LOTS of good memories with my family.  Lots.  But they are hinged upon choices we made in that moment to enjoy each other and what we had in the midst of the pain we were experiencing.  Every time.

My brother made a statement during that conversation that really struck me:  "The only people who dwell on bad times are people who have no sense of goodness or mercy in their lives."

I thought that was worth posting.  

I always want to be aware of God's goodness and mercy in my life.   

My memories are only a PART of me. 

I am made WHOLE because of who He is and has always been in me.

And I am thankful that He will complete and make WHOLE each of the lives of my children.

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